315. エドワード・レビンソン『エドさんのピンホール写真教室』(岩波書店)
316. 秋山仁ほか『HOLGASCAPE』(池田書店)
317. 『We Love Holga』(池田書店)
318. 『We Love Holga Plus』(池田書店)
319. 熊崎勝『はじめてのピンホールカメラ入門』(風媒社)
320. 藤田一咲『ポラロイドの時間』(えい文庫)
Alas, alas, this month is ending and my mountain of work is not. And yet.
Having learned that Polaroid is terminating its production of instant films, I have decided to seriously take a series of Pola photos for exhibition. But my Spectra 2 is not working properly... why is that? Maybe it needs some cleaning. A machine is always a living organism... it needs attention, constant use, and love.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Walking about
308. W.B.Yeats, Selected Poems (Penguin Books)
309. 萩原延壽『旅立ち 遠い崖1』(朝日文庫)
310. 森山大道ほか『GR Digital Box』(東京キララ社)
311. 森山大道『t-82』(パワーショベル)
312. 白井雅人ほか『メディアアートの教科書』(フィルムアート社)
313. 山本精一『ゆん』(河出書房新社)
314. デリダ+ファティ『言葉を撮る』(港道+鵜飼訳、青土社)
Another exhausting day... and the new academic year is only days away.
Then at night a review copy came:
315. 黒川創『かもめの日』(新潮社)
I'm hoping to read it within a week, time permitting.
309. 萩原延壽『旅立ち 遠い崖1』(朝日文庫)
310. 森山大道ほか『GR Digital Box』(東京キララ社)
311. 森山大道『t-82』(パワーショベル)
312. 白井雅人ほか『メディアアートの教科書』(フィルムアート社)
313. 山本精一『ゆん』(河出書房新社)
314. デリダ+ファティ『言葉を撮る』(港道+鵜飼訳、青土社)
Another exhausting day... and the new academic year is only days away.
Then at night a review copy came:
315. 黒川創『かもめの日』(新潮社)
I'm hoping to read it within a week, time permitting.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Y llego Vallejo
305. César Vallejo, "Spain, Take This Chalice from Me" and Other Poems (Pengin Classics)
306. Marcus Reeves, Somebody Scream! (Faber & Faber)
307. 鷲田清一『夢のもつれ』(角川ソフィア文庫)
307 I bought some time ago but failed to register. Here it is.
306. Marcus Reeves, Somebody Scream! (Faber & Faber)
307. 鷲田清一『夢のもつれ』(角川ソフィア文庫)
307 I bought some time ago but failed to register. Here it is.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
On a short trip nearby
Picked up some books on the way:
297. 大竹伸朗『カスバの男』(集英社文庫)
298. 村井則夫『ニーチェ』(中公新書)
299. 池田葉子『マイ・フォト・デイズ』(エイ文庫)
300. 荒川洋治『文芸時評という感想』(四月社)
301. 清水哲朗『モンゴリアン・チョップ』(NNA)
302. 椹木野衣『なんにもないところから芸術がはじまる』(新潮社)
303. 高柳ヤヨイ『文字のデザインを読む。』(ソシム)
304. 島田裕己『日本の10大新宗教』(幻冬社新書)
Days, days. I'm dazed.
297. 大竹伸朗『カスバの男』(集英社文庫)
298. 村井則夫『ニーチェ』(中公新書)
299. 池田葉子『マイ・フォト・デイズ』(エイ文庫)
300. 荒川洋治『文芸時評という感想』(四月社)
301. 清水哲朗『モンゴリアン・チョップ』(NNA)
302. 椹木野衣『なんにもないところから芸術がはじまる』(新潮社)
303. 高柳ヤヨイ『文字のデザインを読む。』(ソシム)
304. 島田裕己『日本の10大新宗教』(幻冬社新書)
Days, days. I'm dazed.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Los animales fascinantes
At my office for the first time in about 10 days and much mail awaiting. Books arrived, too.
286. 宮崎学『けもの道』(偕成社)
287. 宮崎学『水場』(偕成社)
288. 宮崎学『ワシ・タカの巣』(偕成社)
289. 宮崎学『ツキノワグマ』(偕成社)
290. 宮崎学『廃棄スイカに群がるイノシシ家族』(理論社)
291. Charles S. Peirce, Selected Writings: Values in a Universe of Chance (Dover)
292. Tao Lin, Eeeee Eee Eeee (Melville House)
293. J. Maarten Troost, Getting Stoned with Savages (Broadway)
294. Cohnitz & Rossberg, Nelson Goodman (McGill-Queen's)
295. Nelson Goodman, Fact, Fiction, and Forecast (Harvard UP)
296. Julio Cortázar, Queremos tanto a Glenda (Punto de lectura)
Miyazaki's photographs are simply fascinating! Yes, we are living, aren't we, on this planet with our many fellow creatures. Let's RESTRICT ourselves, humanity! Nothing at this historical moment is more important than that.
286. 宮崎学『けもの道』(偕成社)
287. 宮崎学『水場』(偕成社)
288. 宮崎学『ワシ・タカの巣』(偕成社)
289. 宮崎学『ツキノワグマ』(偕成社)
290. 宮崎学『廃棄スイカに群がるイノシシ家族』(理論社)
291. Charles S. Peirce, Selected Writings: Values in a Universe of Chance (Dover)
292. Tao Lin, Eeeee Eee Eeee (Melville House)
293. J. Maarten Troost, Getting Stoned with Savages (Broadway)
294. Cohnitz & Rossberg, Nelson Goodman (McGill-Queen's)
295. Nelson Goodman, Fact, Fiction, and Forecast (Harvard UP)
296. Julio Cortázar, Queremos tanto a Glenda (Punto de lectura)
Miyazaki's photographs are simply fascinating! Yes, we are living, aren't we, on this planet with our many fellow creatures. Let's RESTRICT ourselves, humanity! Nothing at this historical moment is more important than that.
Cherry blossoms
Here is what I received and bought today:
284. 小沼純一『はたらくって何?』(アスペクト)
285. 西川治『世界ぐるっと朝食紀行』(新潮文庫)
Thanks to my friend Junichi Konuma for his latest book. It's exactly aimed at college students that we daily interact with.
284. 小沼純一『はたらくって何?』(アスペクト)
285. 西川治『世界ぐるっと朝食紀行』(新潮文庫)
Thanks to my friend Junichi Konuma for his latest book. It's exactly aimed at college students that we daily interact with.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
And another
Another Annie Leibovitz book arrived.
283. Annie Leibovitz, Olympic Portraits (Bulfinch)
283. Annie Leibovitz, Olympic Portraits (Bulfinch)
Back from my trip south
Just got back to Tokyo from Tahiti and La Isla de Pascua. The latter offered me a mind blowing experience...
258. Malú Sierra, RAPANUI: Náufragos del planeta (Editorial Persona)
259. -----, Ietu: Edición experimental (Diócesis de Villarica y Diócesis de Valparaíso)
260. Nelson Castro Flores, El diablo, dios y la profetisa (Rapanui Press)
261. María Eugenia Santa Coloma, Guardianes de la tradición (Rapanui Press)
262. Katherine Routledge, The Mystery of Easter Island (Rapanui Press)
263. Vaero Roa, El sueño de Haumaka (Rapanui Press)
264. Arturo Hernández Sallés et al., Rapa Nui: Lengua y cultura (Pehuén)
265. A. Elena Charola, Isla de Pacua: El patrimonio y su conservación (World Monuments Fund)
266. Jean-Marc Pambrun et al., No hea mai matou: Destins d'objets polynésiens (Musée de aTahiti et des îles)
267. Heipua Teuira et al., Mon premier dico bilingue reo tahiti / reo farani (Editions Vahine)
268. Guy Wallart, Akakai (Te pu tuhuna eo enata)
269. Christian Serres, Rencontre avec la Polynésie (Christian Serres)
270. Yves Lemaître, Lexique du Tahitien contemporain (IRD éditions)
271. Anne D'Alleva, Le monde océanien (Flammarion)
272. Catherine et Michel Orliac, Bois sculptés de l'Ile de Pâques (Editions Parenthèses)
273. -----, Littérama'ohi: Patrimoine en danger
274. Tavae Raioaoa, Si loin du monde (Pocket)
275. Sonia Faessel, Poètes de Tahiti (La Table Ronde)
276. Bengt Danielsson, Expédition Boumerang (Albin Michel)
277. Thor Heyerdahl, Aku-Aku (Phébus)
278. Catherine et Michel Orliac, L'Iles de Pâques (Gallimard)
279. Anne Brenon, Les Cathares (Les Essentiels Milan)
280. Mathilde Annaud, Les arts premiers (Les Essentiels Milan)
281. Johanna Sinisalo, Jamais avant le coucher du soleil (Babel)
282. Gazzotti/Verlmann, Seuls (Dupuis)
This interface between Ibero-America and Polynesia is my eternal source for... consciously being a tangata of this planet.
258. Malú Sierra, RAPANUI: Náufragos del planeta (Editorial Persona)
259. -----, Ietu: Edición experimental (Diócesis de Villarica y Diócesis de Valparaíso)
260. Nelson Castro Flores, El diablo, dios y la profetisa (Rapanui Press)
261. María Eugenia Santa Coloma, Guardianes de la tradición (Rapanui Press)
262. Katherine Routledge, The Mystery of Easter Island (Rapanui Press)
263. Vaero Roa, El sueño de Haumaka (Rapanui Press)
264. Arturo Hernández Sallés et al., Rapa Nui: Lengua y cultura (Pehuén)
265. A. Elena Charola, Isla de Pacua: El patrimonio y su conservación (World Monuments Fund)
266. Jean-Marc Pambrun et al., No hea mai matou: Destins d'objets polynésiens (Musée de aTahiti et des îles)
267. Heipua Teuira et al., Mon premier dico bilingue reo tahiti / reo farani (Editions Vahine)
268. Guy Wallart, Akakai (Te pu tuhuna eo enata)
269. Christian Serres, Rencontre avec la Polynésie (Christian Serres)
270. Yves Lemaître, Lexique du Tahitien contemporain (IRD éditions)
271. Anne D'Alleva, Le monde océanien (Flammarion)
272. Catherine et Michel Orliac, Bois sculptés de l'Ile de Pâques (Editions Parenthèses)
273. -----, Littérama'ohi: Patrimoine en danger
274. Tavae Raioaoa, Si loin du monde (Pocket)
275. Sonia Faessel, Poètes de Tahiti (La Table Ronde)
276. Bengt Danielsson, Expédition Boumerang (Albin Michel)
277. Thor Heyerdahl, Aku-Aku (Phébus)
278. Catherine et Michel Orliac, L'Iles de Pâques (Gallimard)
279. Anne Brenon, Les Cathares (Les Essentiels Milan)
280. Mathilde Annaud, Les arts premiers (Les Essentiels Milan)
281. Johanna Sinisalo, Jamais avant le coucher du soleil (Babel)
282. Gazzotti/Verlmann, Seuls (Dupuis)
This interface between Ibero-America and Polynesia is my eternal source for... consciously being a tangata of this planet.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Step into the Desert
I am just about to go on a trip, and at the final moment this book arrived:
257. 工藤庸子『砂漠論』(左右社)
I am taking it with me to read in the air...
257. 工藤庸子『砂漠論』(左右社)
I am taking it with me to read in the air...
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Milton, and Marvell, and Marlowe
Of them I will read probably only Milton, not knowing a line from Marvell or Marlowe, unlike Navokov from his Cambridge days. So be it.
254. ミルトン『アレオパジティカ』(原田純訳、岩波文庫)
255. ユクスキュル/クリサート『生物から見た世界』(日高・羽田訳、岩波文庫)
256. 三浦俊彦『ラッセルのパラドクス』(岩波新書)
I'm off to the Ocean in a couple of days.
254. ミルトン『アレオパジティカ』(原田純訳、岩波文庫)
255. ユクスキュル/クリサート『生物から見た世界』(日高・羽田訳、岩波文庫)
256. 三浦俊彦『ラッセルのパラドクス』(岩波新書)
I'm off to the Ocean in a couple of days.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
It's been a hard...
246. Gwendolyn Dubois Shaw, Seeing the Unspeakable (Duke UP)
247. Nelson Goodman, Language of Art (Hackett)
248. Charles S. Peirce, The Essential Writings (Prometheus Books)
249. Hannah Arendt, The Jewish Writings (Schocken)
250. ジェイ・ボールドウィン『バックミンスター・フラーの世界』(梶川泰司訳、美術出版社)
251. 竹信悦夫『ワンコイン悦楽堂』(情報センター出版局)
252. 田中長徳『カメラは知的な遊びなのだ。』(アスキー新書)
253. 片倉もとこ『イスラームの日常世界』(岩波新書)
Spent the whole afternoon for a meeting at school. It was rather exhausting. But some books arrived to cheer me up. Goodman, Peirce, I got to be serious by now. 253 I already had a copy and couldn't find it. Then at night, there it is, as usual. INSANITY. But Katakura's way of showing the Islam world and culture is so attractive. Islam might be the most accomplished way of sharing the world view. This I say as an utterly non-religious person.
247. Nelson Goodman, Language of Art (Hackett)
248. Charles S. Peirce, The Essential Writings (Prometheus Books)
249. Hannah Arendt, The Jewish Writings (Schocken)
250. ジェイ・ボールドウィン『バックミンスター・フラーの世界』(梶川泰司訳、美術出版社)
251. 竹信悦夫『ワンコイン悦楽堂』(情報センター出版局)
252. 田中長徳『カメラは知的な遊びなのだ。』(アスキー新書)
253. 片倉もとこ『イスラームの日常世界』(岩波新書)
Spent the whole afternoon for a meeting at school. It was rather exhausting. But some books arrived to cheer me up. Goodman, Peirce, I got to be serious by now. 253 I already had a copy and couldn't find it. Then at night, there it is, as usual. INSANITY. But Katakura's way of showing the Islam world and culture is so attractive. Islam might be the most accomplished way of sharing the world view. This I say as an utterly non-religious person.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Pragmatism at Birth (ou presque)
242. 山根貞男『映画の貌』(みすず書房)
243. 田中英司『現代・映画・アメリカ』(河出書房新社)
244. 鶴見俊輔『たまたま、この世界に生まれて』(SURE)
245. 山田宏一『フランソワ・トリュフォーの映画誌』(平凡社)
After a very lengthy meeting at our school headquarter, I strayed into a used-book shop and voilà, I encountered 242, Yamane's magnum opus, at a very decent price (less than half the original price)! He's great, one of the best film critics in the world. This lead me to pick up a couple more and on the way home I read 245 that I treasured like nothing else. 244 is by an old philosopher who has been instrumental in introducing American phil., esp. pragmatism/pragmaticism. The book is his private lecture to a small group of thirty-something's. Looks very readable, too.
243. 田中英司『現代・映画・アメリカ』(河出書房新社)
244. 鶴見俊輔『たまたま、この世界に生まれて』(SURE)
245. 山田宏一『フランソワ・トリュフォーの映画誌』(平凡社)
After a very lengthy meeting at our school headquarter, I strayed into a used-book shop and voilà, I encountered 242, Yamane's magnum opus, at a very decent price (less than half the original price)! He's great, one of the best film critics in the world. This lead me to pick up a couple more and on the way home I read 245 that I treasured like nothing else. 244 is by an old philosopher who has been instrumental in introducing American phil., esp. pragmatism/pragmaticism. The book is his private lecture to a small group of thirty-something's. Looks very readable, too.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
A Trip to the Peninsular
Made a quick round-trip to Boso on a school-related business. A nice way to spend a perfectly sunny sunday... to get blown by the strong sea wind! On the way back went to Shinjuku with a muskrat-like state of mind. And then.
240. Cormac McCarthy, The Sunset Limited (Vintage)
241. Jules Verne, Voyage au centre de la terre (Le livre de poche)
240 looks so inviting with its peculiar style; it's a novel written in dramatic form. 241 I have to re-read for a project with a friend... a geo-aesthetic study of underground spaces, sort of.
Time is definitely not on my side, but who cares? Festina lente...
240. Cormac McCarthy, The Sunset Limited (Vintage)
241. Jules Verne, Voyage au centre de la terre (Le livre de poche)
240 looks so inviting with its peculiar style; it's a novel written in dramatic form. 241 I have to re-read for a project with a friend... a geo-aesthetic study of underground spaces, sort of.
Time is definitely not on my side, but who cares? Festina lente...
Friday, March 07, 2008
Que divino!
227. Alec Wilkinson, My Mentor (Mariner Books)
228. Alec Wilkinson, The Happiest Man in the World (Vintage Originals)
229. William Maxwell, Early Novels and Stories (The Library of America)
230. Barbara Burkhardt, William Maxwell: A Literary Life (U of Illinois P)
231. Baxter et al., eds, A William Maxwell Portrait (Norton)
232. Susan Sontag, The Volcano Lover (Picador)
233. Susan Sontag, Death Kit (Picador)
234. Vladimir Nabokov, Speak, Memory (Penguin Classics)
235. Kristen Guest, ed., Eating Their Words (SUNY P)
236. Ian McEwan, Saturday (Vintage)
237. Pete Seeger, Abiyoyo (Aladdin)
238. 片倉もとこ『イスラームの世界観』(岩波現代文庫)
239. オノレ・ド・バルザック『ランジェ公爵夫人』(工藤庸子訳、集英社)
Days are getting really bright. The sunshine already reminds me of the summer solstice... my favorite day of the year. I have a big project in mind to write on Maxwell, but still got miles to go before I get there. Quant à YouTube, it's a joy to see Seeger, Pete, on some videos uploaded there. Pete Seeger. A truly great guy. A short piece in which he and Arlo Guthrie play together is so nice and uplifting.
239 is another superb translation by Yoko Kudo, one of our best French lit specialists. I am asked to give a bookstore talk with her in April. It's good, but I have to overcome my tendency to be needlessly stiff in front of an unknown / unknowable audience...
228. Alec Wilkinson, The Happiest Man in the World (Vintage Originals)
229. William Maxwell, Early Novels and Stories (The Library of America)
230. Barbara Burkhardt, William Maxwell: A Literary Life (U of Illinois P)
231. Baxter et al., eds, A William Maxwell Portrait (Norton)
232. Susan Sontag, The Volcano Lover (Picador)
233. Susan Sontag, Death Kit (Picador)
234. Vladimir Nabokov, Speak, Memory (Penguin Classics)
235. Kristen Guest, ed., Eating Their Words (SUNY P)
236. Ian McEwan, Saturday (Vintage)
237. Pete Seeger, Abiyoyo (Aladdin)
238. 片倉もとこ『イスラームの世界観』(岩波現代文庫)
239. オノレ・ド・バルザック『ランジェ公爵夫人』(工藤庸子訳、集英社)
Days are getting really bright. The sunshine already reminds me of the summer solstice... my favorite day of the year. I have a big project in mind to write on Maxwell, but still got miles to go before I get there. Quant à YouTube, it's a joy to see Seeger, Pete, on some videos uploaded there. Pete Seeger. A truly great guy. A short piece in which he and Arlo Guthrie play together is so nice and uplifting.
239 is another superb translation by Yoko Kudo, one of our best French lit specialists. I am asked to give a bookstore talk with her in April. It's good, but I have to overcome my tendency to be needlessly stiff in front of an unknown / unknowable audience...
Monday, March 03, 2008
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Stunning. This one photo will change my life.
224. Annie Leibovitz, American Music (Random House)
But I'm not gonna tell which one it is!
But I'm not gonna tell which one it is!
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Marching in
218. Benjamin Lee Whorf, Language, Thought, and Reality (The MIT Press)
219. Colin MacCabe, Godard (F & F)
220. Judy Budnitz, Flying Leap (Picador)
221. Immanuel Wallerstein, World-Systems Analysis (Duke UP)
222. Kirby Dick and Amy Kofman, Derrida (Routledge)
223. 伊藤邦武『パースの宇宙論』(岩波書店)
A series of American thinkers I can't do without: Peirce, Boaz, Sapir, and Whorf on the one hand, Emerson and James on the other. Time to begin working on them.
219. Colin MacCabe, Godard (F & F)
220. Judy Budnitz, Flying Leap (Picador)
221. Immanuel Wallerstein, World-Systems Analysis (Duke UP)
222. Kirby Dick and Amy Kofman, Derrida (Routledge)
223. 伊藤邦武『パースの宇宙論』(岩波書店)
A series of American thinkers I can't do without: Peirce, Boaz, Sapir, and Whorf on the one hand, Emerson and James on the other. Time to begin working on them.
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