"Tiens, ça fait un bail!" I said to Fred, but this Fred is no ordinary Fred. I opened a page of Nietzsche's Ecce Homo, and there! Like an unexpected weasel there is a sentence that I've been ruminating for years. I have completely forgotten that I first read this in this sublimely crazy book a quarter century ago. "Nobody is free to live everywhere." Hence, you'll have to carefully choose, his logic says.
He recommends the excellent dry air of Paris, Provence, Florence, Jerusalem, Athens. Looking back on my own itinerancy, my mind was most agile and responsive when I lived in the high deserts of New Mexico and Arizona! Maybe it's time to move on, once again. Where to? Chose certaine, la vie a Tokyo ne me sert a rien... Here, life becomes a perpetual torpor, a daily nightmare, from which you try desperately to awake.
Suspended animation. This may be a good city for a critic-consumer, but not for a fearful animal who attempts to live! And this I seem to have known very well from the beginning. Ce qui me manque, talvez, es la tierra del Nuevo Mexico, la tierra encantada...