Sunday, April 03, 2005

Two birds

Walking on a Sunday morning in the loop area of Chicago, looking for a place to buy some coffee. All the Starbucks downtown are closed. Then by the L line (in Chicago CTA trains are called "L" because they are elevated) I find on the pavement a dead blackbird. It is very dead with two feet sticking out into the air.

I continue my way taking random turns. Then some minutes later I come across another dead bird, this time a sparrow, as dead as a nail. I find it ominous, meeting two dead birds in this fashion, but there is nothing I can do to avoid it's consequences.

The birds have nothing in common but being dead and being birds. My random walk is the only connection they have to be juxtaposed in this narration. Narrativity requires an order; blackbird, then sparrow. It could have been other way around, but it didn't happen.

And if Starbucks were open, they would never have been juxtaposed.