At Countdown (the local supermarket) I found tripes. I decided to make some menudo, one of my favourite recipes.
First you re-cook the tripe for an hour with salted water. Drain.
Put chopped onion and beef broth (packed this time; I could have gone for soup bones but it would have taken two to three more hours) and water. If you have, some beer as well.
I was forgetting. Garlic essential.
Some dried red chilles.
Oregano and cumin mandatory. Bayleaves also recommended.
Here in NZ they don't have hominy. What to do? I put some shell-shaped pasta.
Cook for half an hour.
Salt and black pepper to taste.
This reminds me of Tucson, Arizona, which is culturally Mexican (or Sonoran, to be precise).
Menudo is for breakfast. We all have two helpings.
The same kind of soup is called "tripe a la Caen" or something in France (that dates from the time of Rabelais), and there is an exactly same type of soup in Hungary (I know this from an exquisite Montreal restaurant).
Now we are full of energy to explore local bushes!