4 November this year will mark the tenth anniversary of the death of Gilles Deleuze. Can't believe it's already ten years! I remember very well the moment I read the news in my Tucson, Arizona apartment. Astonished, I cried: NO! And my son Azusa, then 5, came out of his room and said: "Daddy, I hear a cry of anguish!"
Anguish it was. If it were not for Deleuze/Guattari, I would not have changed my major to French when I was 20... And one thing led to another, me voila. I still owe them IMMENSELY and the only way to recompensate is to write on them. To write WITH them. And in this possibility of RECREATING their arrangements of enunciations, a decade is but a second, and the validity of their thought, their THINKING, is only measured by its actuality HERE-NOW.
D-G lives on.