I don't know what Isabel Allende means to me. She constantly charges me with energy. It's surely her gift and the gift she shares with the world when the world itself is not a very hospitable place for anybody. It was one of the most fortunate coincidences of my life that I was asked to translate her memoir PAULA. The translation was published in 2002.
This from another of hermemoirs, MI PAIS INVENTADO (2003):
Espero que la existencia sea problemática y cuando no hay angustia o dolor por varios días, me preocupo, porque seguro significa que el cielo está preparándome una desgracia mayor. (117)
[I want life to be full of problems and when there is no worries nor pain for several days I am concerned, as it surely means that heaven is preparing for me a major disgrace.]
Such a sentence makes me smile and I begin to think nothing of my montón of worries!