1. Nau mai, haere mai. (Welcome, come here.)
2. Ko Erana ahau. (I am Erana.)
3. Ko Mereana koe. (You are Mereana.)
4. Ko Timoti ia. (He is Timoti.)
5. Ko Hine ia. (She is Hine.)
Remember the set of ahau-koe-ia. Then the triangle of toku-tou-tona. My, your, his/her, respectively.
6. Ko Erana toku ingoa. (My name is Erana.)
7. Ko Mereana tou ingoa. (Your name is Mereana.)
8. Ko Timoti tona ingoa. (His name is Timoti.)
9. Ko Hine tona ingoa. (Her name is Hine.)
Some key questions.
10. No hea koe? (Where are you from?)
11. No Tamaki Makaurau ahau. (I'm from Auckland.)
12. Ko wai tou ingoa? (Who is your name?)
13. Ko Awhina Rawiri toku ingoa. (Awhina Rawiri is my name.)
Now some greetings.
14. Kia ora! (Hi!)
15. Kia ora! (Thank you.)
16. Kia ora!!! (Awesome.)
17. Tena koe! (Hello: to one person.)
18. Tena korua! (Hello: to two people.)
19. Tena koutou! (Hello: to three or more people.)
20. Tena koutou katoa! (Hello y'all!)
21. Haere ra! (Goodbye: to person leaving.)
22. E noho ra! (Goodbye: to person staying.)
23. Hei konei ra! (Goodbye: said by either.)
24. Ka kite! (See ya!)
25. Ka kite ano! (See you again.)
26. Ka kite ano i a koe! (See you again.)
27. Ata marie! (Good morning.)
28. Po marie! (Good night.)
29. Kia pai too ra! (Have a good day.)
Asking about conditions.
30. Kei te pehea koe? (How are you?)
31. Kei te pehea korua? (How are you two?)
32. Kei te pehea koutou? (How are you more than two?)
33. E pehea ana koe? (How are you?)
34. E pehea ana korua? (How are you two?)
35. E pehea ana koutou? (How are you more than two?)
36. Kei te pehea koe? --- Kei te pai ahau. (I am fine.)
37. Kei te pehea korua? ---Kei te pai maua. (We two are fine.)
38. Kei te pehea koutou? ---Kei te pai matou. (We more than two are fine.)
39. Kei te pehea koe? ---Kei te ngenge ahau. (I am sleepy.)
40. Kei te pehea koe? ---Kei te riri ahau. (I am angry.)
41. Kei te pehea koe? ---Kei te koa ahau. (I am happy.)
42. Kei te pehea koe? ---Kei te pouri ahau. ( I am sad.)
43. Kei te pehea koe? ---Kei te wera ahau. (I am hot.)
44. Kei te pehea koe? ---Kei te hiamoe ahau. (I am tired.)
45. Kei te pehea koe? ---Kei te mauiui ahau. (I am sick.)
46. Kei te pehea koe? ---Kei te makariri ahau. (I am cold.)
47. Kei te pehea koe? ---Kei te hoha ahau. (I am bored.)
48. Kei te pehea koe? ---Kei te hiakai ahau. (I am hungry.)
49. Kei te pehea koe? ---Kei te hiainu ahau. (I am thirsty.)
50. Kei te pehea koe? ---Kei te matemoe ahau. (I am exhausted.)
51. Kei te pehea koe? ---Kei te matekai ahau. (I am starving.)
52. Kei te pehea koe? ---Tino pai ahau! (Very good.)
53. Kei te pehea koe? ---Ka nui te pai ahau! (Really good.)
54. Kei te pehea koe? ---Taua ahua ano ahau! (As per usual.)
55. Ahua pai. (Sort of okay.)
55. Ahua ngenge. (Sort of tired.)
56. Ko wai tou whaea? (Who is your mother?)
57. Ko wai tou matua? (Who is your father?)
58. Ko wai tou kuia? (Who is your grandmother?)
59. Ko wai tou koro? (Who is your grandfether?)