Friday, October 29, 2004

Forced Epiphanies

A major new bookstore (Junkudo) opened today in Shinjuku and I've just been there. I took up a copy of Jhumpa Lahiri's Interpreter of Maladies and casually read the reviews at the beginning of the book. A reviewer from Los Angeles Times Book Review writes: "Lahiri's touch is delicate yet assured, leaving no room for flubbed notes or FORCED EPIPHANIES."

Hey, I like the phrase a lot. Forced epiphanies... I want my life to be filled daily with forced epiphanies! Everything is revealed at every turn of the corner, secret pieces of knowledge await every hour on the hour, and you cannot avoid the world in its totality being revealed to you; the revelation is forced on you. Your Hegelian absolute knowledge is on its way to perfection!

Forced epiphanies... come anytime! I'm here. I'll be waiting!