At my office for the first time in about 10 days and much mail awaiting. Books arrived, too.
286. 宮崎学『けもの道』(偕成社)
287. 宮崎学『水場』(偕成社)
288. 宮崎学『ワシ・タカの巣』(偕成社)
289. 宮崎学『ツキノワグマ』(偕成社)
290. 宮崎学『廃棄スイカに群がるイノシシ家族』(理論社)
291. Charles S. Peirce, Selected Writings: Values in a Universe of Chance (Dover)
292. Tao Lin, Eeeee Eee Eeee (Melville House)
293. J. Maarten Troost, Getting Stoned with Savages (Broadway)
294. Cohnitz & Rossberg, Nelson Goodman (McGill-Queen's)
295. Nelson Goodman, Fact, Fiction, and Forecast (Harvard UP)
296. Julio Cortázar, Queremos tanto a Glenda (Punto de lectura)
Miyazaki's photographs are simply fascinating! Yes, we are living, aren't we, on this planet with our many fellow creatures. Let's RESTRICT ourselves, humanity! Nothing at this historical moment is more important than that.