Monday, March 31, 2008

March ending, March on

315. エドワード・レビンソン『エドさんのピンホール写真教室』(岩波書店)
316. 秋山仁ほか『HOLGASCAPE』(池田書店)
317. 『We Love Holga』(池田書店)
318. 『We Love Holga Plus』(池田書店)
319. 熊崎勝『はじめてのピンホールカメラ入門』(風媒社)
320. 藤田一咲『ポラロイドの時間』(えい文庫)

Alas, alas, this month is ending and my mountain of work is not. And yet.

Having learned that Polaroid is terminating its production of instant films, I have decided to seriously take a series of Pola photos for exhibition. But my Spectra 2 is not working properly... why is that? Maybe it needs some cleaning. A machine is always a living organism... it needs attention, constant use, and love.