Then comes "Feuillet sans date".
This looks too much, way too much now. Too contrived. But at the time of its publication, probably it looked cool enough.
Something has happened to the narrator. It changed his perception. So much is true.
"Je pense que c'est le danger si l'on tient un journal: on s'exagère tout, on est aux aguets, on force continuellement la vérité."
But this happens even before actually writing a diary. The very moment of writing itself tends to force la vérité, or at least veracity.
Writing is always trop en retard... it's delay is unforgivable! What really bugs Roquentin is the gap between perception and reflexion.
"Et il y a eu aussi cette suite de coïncidences, de quiproquos, que je ne m'explique pas."
Ah, synchronicity. One subject that can turn anybody ENLOQUECIDO!