Thursday, February 07, 2008

At Work All Day

Phew. It's been a long working day, and it continues. In the meantime some voices arrived:

128. Catherine Crawford ed., If You Really Want to Hear About It (Thunder's Mouth Press)
129. Kim Chernin, The Hungry Self (Harper Perennial)
130. Slavoj Zizek, ed., Lacan: the Silent Partners (Verso)
131. Slavoj Zizek, How to Read Lacan (Norton)
132. 十文字美信『感性のバケモノになりたい』(求龍堂)
133. 小柳学『宮沢賢治が面白いほどわかる本』(中経出版)
134. Bill Bryson, The Lost Continent (Harper Perennial)

133 I bought in preparation for my undergraduate seminar on Miyazawa Kenji. I'll be dedicating the seminar for a comparative study of Gary Snyder and Miyazawa.