Wednesday, February 27, 2008


In Eureka this month (the March 2008 issue) that appeared today is a tri-alogue between myself, Tadashi Wakashima, and Kazuki Sakuraba, who has recently been awarded the Naoki Prize for fiction. The article is titled "From World Literature to Literature World." This was the editor's idea and I don't really know what it means... I'd probably throw in a hyphen and make it "Literature-World." Whatever.

Some books arrived from France (via Germany) and elsewhere:

204. Philippe Claudel, Le Café de l'Excelsior (Poche)
205. Philippe Claudel, La petite fille de Monsieur Linh (Poche)
206. Philippe Claudel, Quelques-uns des cent regrets (Folio)
207. Philippe Claudel, J'abandonne (Folio)
208. Stéphane Audeguy, La théorie des nuages (Folio)
209. Nimrod, Les jambes d'Alice (Actes Sud)
210. Dona Haraway, When Species Meet (U of Minnesota P)
211. 小沼純一編『武満徹 対談選』(ちくま学芸文庫)
212. 坂部恵『かたり』(ちくま学芸文庫)
213. 市村弘正『敗北の二十世紀』(ちくま学芸文庫)
214. ネルソン・グッドマン『世界制作の方法』(ちくま学芸文庫)
215. 北村・宮部編『名短篇、ここにあり』(ちくま文庫)
216. 川上未映子『先端で、さすわさされるわそらええわ』(青土社)
217. 川上未映子『乳と卵』(文藝春秋)

And it's spring. Enjoy.

Both 208 and 209 were recommended to me by Jérôme from L'Institut. Look so interesting, too.