Thursday, February 07, 2008

Sanity and Diet

In search of some sanity I bought myself a heavy dose of Deleuze in translation. I have been away from him too long...

121. ドゥルーズ+クレソン『ヒューム』(合田正人訳、ちくま学芸文庫)
122. ルネ・シェレール『ドゥルーズへのまなざし』(篠原洋治訳、筑摩書房)
123. ナイオール・ルーシー『記号学を超えて』(法政大学出版局)
124. ウンベルト・エコ『中世美学史』(谷口伊兵衛訳、而立書房)
125. 川下勝『アッシジのフランチェスコ』(清水書院)
126. Gilles Deleuze, Two Regimes of Madness (Semiotexte)
127. Douglas Hofstadter, I am a Strange Loop (Basic Books)

121 I bought for a long essay by Goda which I intend to read carefully.

Time to retrieve some THINKING with Deleuze. And I mean it!