Sunday, June 07, 2009

No Entry/No Exit

Films this year:

27. F.G. Murnau, Tabu (1931)
28. Luis Buñuel, Terre sans pain (1933)
29. Jacques Sarasin, On the Rumba River (2007)
30. Maria Blumencron, Escape Over the Himalayas
31. Alain Resnais, Hiroshima, mon amour (1959)

I had too great an expectation for 27. Very interesting in many ways, but the Polynesia reconstructed is already highly mediatized, even at that stage of history.

28 is cruel in the sense that's applicable only to Buñuel, but disgusting in throwing a goat off the rocky cliff and such. We never know if that donkey, stung to death by honey bees, was not another victim of the crew.

29 is an interesting documentary on a master singer from Congo, Wendo Kolosoy. One feels like going to Kinshasa if only to experience the heat on the road side and the Afro-Cuban musical complex.

30 is so dangerously moving. A real story of Tibetan children's illegal migration across the Himalayas.  

31 is a parergon of a history of passionate love, coldly treated. I am not the one to fall for a French woman, for sure. The camera moving through the streets of Hiroshima is the highest merit of this film, historically speaking.