Friday, June 19, 2009

Rumania, Aotearoa, Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Films this year:

32. Ralf Marschalleck, Brass On Fire (2002)
33. Niki Caro, Whale Rider (2002)
34. Steven Okazaki, White Light/Black Rain (2007)

32 is a pure gem and thoroughly enjoyable. A road movie with an interesting band never fails, and this is the proof thereof once again. Rumania is waiting for me... before long!

For 33, this is my fourth or fifth viewing. I gave a talk on the Maori culture last Saturday and showed a part of this to my elderly students. They all seemed to love the scene I chose (in which Paikea rides on a bike with Koro). The scenery near Gisborn is breathtaking. Out of this world. By any standard a MUST among contemporary world cinema titles.

34 is a great documentary and its importance is obvious. It should be watched by all US and Japanese citizens. The pilot of the bomber says: My God, what have I done. Right you are. What have you done, US, not only to Japan but also to the rest of the world and its remaining history?