Monday, January 14, 2008

Of Forests and Leaves

Here are two more books, both in Japanese:

35. 田島謙三、神田リエ『森と人間』(朝日新聞社)
36. ホイットマン『おれにはアメリカの歌声が聴こえる』(飯野友幸訳、光文社古典新訳文庫)

36 is a translation of selected pieces from Whitman's immortal Leaves of Grass. Splendidly translated by Tomoyuki Iino, whom I recently met and found out to be a neighbor! It's a bilingual edition, very aptly. Whitman's greatness, comparable only to Wordsworth and Baudelaire, and infinitely much broader than each of them, surfaces again from these simple-looking pages.I cherish this little book!

Then came in another:
37. 福島富士夫『アフリカ文学読みはじめ』(スリーエーネットワーク)