Monday, January 21, 2008

What's New

Some arrivals:

59. J.D.Salinger, For Esme--With Love and Squalor (Penguin)
60. 佐々木喜善『遠野のザシキワラシとオシラサマ』(中公文庫)
61. 針山孝彦『生き物たちの情報戦略』(化学同人)
62. 伊藤弥住子『NYヒップホップ・ドリーム』(シンコー・ミュージック)

59 of course is the British title for the famous collection Nine Stories. I have more than three copies of them SOMEWHERE, but can't find them at hand. I am trying a detailed analysis of the collection in relation to a reading of Le Clézio's short pieces.

60 I bought because of Sakuraba Kazuki's end-of-the-volume essay. The book itself looks interesting enough.

A cold evening but not cold enough to think of the snow-balled earth!